Loyalties work like any other loyalty system that you might be familiar with. The best thing about Buddy Loyalties is that you don't have to carry a physical card around, so your wallet and pockets stay open and breezy.
Merchants can setup loyalties for just about anything, like for instance the usual buy ten and get one free loyalty.
Where to find loyalties
- From any main screen, tap on the More menu button.
- Tap on the Loyalies button.
- In the first tab, you'll see all the loyalties available on the Concierge.
- Next to that, you'll see the Mine tab, where you can find all the loyalties you've signed onto.
How to get loyalty
When you see a loyalty you want to join you need to be at the merchant offering the loyalty. This is because you need to scan a QR code to join the loyalty OR alternatively the merchant scans your BuddyBadge and you get signed on.
Some Grab Voucher and select products will automatically sign you onto a loyalty once purchased.
Getting loyalty with a QR:
- When you're at the merchant, ask for the loyalty QR to scan if not present immediately.
- With the QR presented, tap on Pay and scan it.
- The loyalty point will have been added to the connected loyalty card.
Don't worry about asking for a loyalty card or anything like that, just ask the merchant for the QR for the loyalty you'd like to sign up to.
Getting loyalty with your BuddyBadge:
Getting loyalty with your BuddyBadge works the same way as the above-mentioned method. The only difference is that the merchant scans your BuddyBadge.
- From any main screen, tap on the More menu button.
- At the top you'll see a QR, that's your BuddyBadge, show that to the merchant.
- The merchant will scan your BuddyBadge.
Just like that, you'll get a loyalty point.
Remember that to get a point again on your next visit, just follow one of the methods above.
With Buddy Loyalty, you can your points without any need to manage space in your wallet or pockets. It's fast, easy and convenient.